What is a court marriage?
Court marriage in Patna help in wedding under Act 1954 (Hereinafter ‘the act’). Marriage takes place or celebrated in the court itself, where marriage court officer and three witnesses are present. This marriage is not celebrated as a regional or traditional way. Marrying in the presence of Marriage office is valid according to act.
Who can marry through court marriage?
Two people having different genders may be same religion or other religions and have mutual understanding can marry with the help of the court.
What are the conditions relating to solemnization of court marriages?
According to chapter II, section 4 of the act:
- No pre-existing marriage – The parties must not have spouses living.
- A valid agreement to do marriage– The parties must have a valid reason or agreed to get married.
- Age- According to law male must complete the age of 21 years and the female age of 18 years.
- Prohibited degrees of relationships – The parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationships.
Some Important Links:
Court marriage procedure is common across India. It is made possible — and subsequently governed by — the Special Marriage Act, of 1954, which provides for marriage by civil ceremony between parties belonging to different religions.
Ministry Of Law & Justice
Welcome to the Ministry of Law & Justice. Ministry of Law and Justice is the oldest ….
Special Marriage Act, 1954
The Special Marriage Act, 1954 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to …·
Patna High Court
This is the New Website of Patna High Court, developed and managed by the Programmers Team,
Contact Us:
Court marriage in Patna is one of the oldest and most popular marriage registration centers in Patna. We have expert legal professional advisers who not only guide you in the right way but also help in providing legal marriage certificates which is approved by the court under the Marriage Validation Act 1937.
Contact Information
Gauransh law firm Address- 22, kidwaipuri, near Thakur prasad community hall, Patna 800001, Bihar
9708915612, 9631566989